Thursday, May 9, 2013

A SAHM's Rule for Drinking Maragritas

If you are a pre- prenatal SAHM like I am you must enjoy your alcohol while you can, because your days are numbered.

To have the pleasantest, happiest experience drinking Maragritas follow these rules:

  1. You do not have to wait until your husband gets home, but it's nice if you do.
  2. You must have plenty of fresh oranges and limes.
  3. Children must watch a non cartoon educational show about crocodiles...
  4.  Serve your pre-mixed margarita mix (recommend Trader Jose's) over ice and orange slices on a glass rimmed with lime juice and sea salt.
  5. If you forget to rim your glass just sprinkle salt on top, salt is essential for full enjoyment
  6. True happiness comes from salsa and guac with corn chips while enjoying your margarita.
  7. Enjoy peace and quiet, the company of your husband, and content tv zombie children
  8. Pour your self a second margartita