The story begins deep beneath my house where the laundry piles start. Bedding and sheets for every bed being thrown down because of a tick epidemic. My daughter wearing 3 different outfits a day. My son getting soaked from playing in the rain. The laundry falls down the laundry shoot (thank God I have one of those) and fills up a basket that overflows. After the Memorial day party I decided it is time to tackle the Laundry Giant and begin the massive task of sorting washing and folding laundry.
Ok. That title is a little misleading. This is really about a giant load of laundry, and my struggle fighting it.
You can see the pictures of the pile of laundry in my basement, you cannot see how enormous it is, because I took a picture with stitch assist, and then I couldn't find the software and long story short, the laundry pile is even more enormous than you see.
I am very aware that there are families out there with even more laundry, much more laundry. What I can't figure out is how a family of a tot, two kids and two adults makes that much laundry in one week.
Actually this happens to me about once a month. See for three weeks out of the month I think things are good. I've got a great rhythm. Clothes are getting washed and put away. Everything flowing then suddenly it seems like I just did a load the other day, and there actually is this huge amount in my basement and no one has any clothes.
And I was just thinking one week out of the month things are good and flowing the other two weeks I have clean laundry in laundry baskets all over my house because I can't commit myself to folding it. Then people come over and I have to hide them in my bed room. Laundry Chaos.
So one load at a time I am going to wash that laundry. I am going to fold or hang and put away every piece of laundry. And I'm not sure how long it will take, but it will happen, and I will make it through this. The important thing is not to become over whelmed.
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